Friday, March 11, 2011

Bahrain TV...?

Although it is the only local channel, Why do we avoid watching BTV?
I tried to be reasonable and leave all emotions and recent incidents out of it. Here are my top 10 reasons for not watching BTV:
  1. Their top of the hour News starts 2 and sometimes 3 minutes into the hour (as per 141 local time)
  2. The "NEWS" is 80% "OLDS"
  3. Local News is only what comes to them as official statements from other Government entities (never make an effort mentality) and usually not the important ones.
  4. The "Truth" is usually what BTV says it isn't (specially the weather forecast)
  5. The "Morning Show" (the most decent show I must say), re-runs twice. So 6 out of the 24 hrs are just the Morning Show
  6. With 1.2 million people on the island, they only have 3 standard guests/spokespeople for every occasion. Local Politics with X, Y & Z..International Politics with Z, X & Y..Elections with Y, Z & X..Health with X, Z & Y..National Football Team loses yet another match with Y, X & Z...
  7. The only channel with more "special occasions" shows than regular programmes. Barnaaj kha9 bemonasabat al maqal fil jareeda. Barnamaj kha9 bemonasabat al ijtema3 al sanawi, etc... and always when you actually decide to watch the normal regular programme.
  8. I never know what's on & when! And when you check the website, oh wait! they don't have a website..
  9. With exclusivity to interview HRH the Crown Prince, BTV does exactly the opposite of what he calls for..
  10. The only channel that was So Good in the 80's that it is still stuck there...
I could go on...

But to be fair, not liking BTV is the ONLY thing that Bahrainis agree on =)

If you have more reasons please send them to me as I intend to send our suggestions for them to know why people are not watching. Thanks

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