Since Feb14, 2011, a lot has happened to Bahrain and us Bahrainis, but I was never so involved until it hit home (literary) in the form of "Midnight Visitors"...a reality slap that made me open my big brown eyes and look into the surroundings.We are living in a political mess. A mess that is now taking over all aspects of the Bahraini community (social, economical, demographically, etc..). My personal struggle began on April 26, 2011.
It was a lot to take, very depressing to live through, but one can't just give up. You'd have to teach yourself techniques to help you live one day at a time.
Few tings I've learnt (and still am learning):
- It is very selfish to care only when the matter concerns you. To be honest, I 80% cared, now I 250% care. A mistake I will never make again.
- You hurt alone, unless others are in the same situation, they won't understand.
- Difficult times are the best methods to test how genuine some friends/family are. This makes difficult times even more difficult, however it's a good filtering exercise for the future.
- United we stand. Anyone who promotes or speaks or implies that we are different is not worthy for me to know.
- Hypocrisy is a disease that people choose to get (voluntarily). In Bahrain, hypocrites want to be known, wanting to shine, what can we say..sick people
- The Midnight Visitors are the first to enter hell, they'll burn there for a while until the rest of the clan arrive. They will not (and I wish) have a happy life or a happy ending. Midnight Visitors, Burn In Hell.
- Denial, if not treated immediately, will progress into Brain-wash.
- Determination & Hope gives you strength.
- I may forgive (for sake of moving on & there is a very rare probability of this happening), but I will NEVER forget.
- God's power is greater than anything.
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